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Books by Surendra Malik : Authors Page
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Supreme Court Labour & Services Digest (1950-2010) [10 Volumes]
By Surendra Malik
This masterly work by the well-known author covers the period right from 1950 to 2010. A unique digest on labour law...

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Central Administrative Tribunal Digest (Print on Demand)
By Surendra Malik
Volume I of this comprehensive digest covers the CAT cases reported in various journals during 1986 to 1994 with particular emphasis on Full Bench cases. Volume II covering the CAT cases reported...

Volume 1 (1986 to 1994):
Rs.1600.00 Rs.1440.00 |
Volume 2 (1995 to 1996):
Rs.650.00 Rs.585.00 |
Supreme Court on  Tenancy and Land Laws (1950 to 1990) (Print On Demand)
By Surendra Malik
  1991 (POD)
This book incorporates the Supreme Court case-law since 1950 to 1990 on the subject of 'Tenancy and Land Laws ' which covers laws of the States...

Hardcover: Rs. 950.00  Rs. 855.00
Supreme Court on Government Contracts and Tenders
By Surendra Malik and Sudeep Malik
  1st Edition, 2017

eBOOK: Rs.1495.00 Rs.1125.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.1495.00 Rs.1271.00 |
Supreme Court on Dishonour of Cheques And Negotiable Instruments (1950-2016) (in 2 Volumes)
By Surendra Malik And Sudeep Malik
This comprehensive compendium covers more than six decades of the Supreme Court's rulings on the subject. Volume 1, released in 2013 covers the period 1950-2013. Since then there has been...

eBOOK: Rs.1190.00 Rs.890.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.1190.00 Rs.1012.00 |
Judges Appointment Case
By Surendra Malik
  2016 Edition
Recently a five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court headed by Justice J.S. Khehar by a 4:1 majority struck down the National Judicial Appointments Commission...

eBOOK: Rs.975.00 Rs.730.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.975.00 Rs.829.00 |
Supreme Court on Marriage & Divorce, Cruelty/Dowry Death, Custody, Adoption & Maintenance (1950 to 2016) (In 2 Volumes)
By Surendra Malik and Sudeep Malik
The present two-volume digest is the most comprehensive, systematic and analytical work on Marriage & Divorce, Maintenance, Adoption, Guardianship and Custody of...

eBOOK: Rs.1750.00 Rs.1310.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.6300.00 Rs.5355.00 |
Supreme  Court on Family Property, Partition, Succession, Will and Inheritance (1950 to 2016) (In 2 Volumes)
By Surendra Malik and Sudeep Malik
  1st Edition, 2016 Reprint 2023
This authoritative...

eBOOK: Rs.1950.00 Rs.1470.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.6850.00 Rs.5823.00 |
Supreme Court on Equity Estoppel Acquiescence and Waiver
By Surendra Malik And Sudeep Malik
  2015 Edition
The study of Equity is interesting yet...

eBOOK: Rs.825.00 Rs.465.00 | HARDBACK: Rs.825.00 Rs.701.00 |